Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Introduction to the Rackworthy Blog

This blog is written by Charles Crampton, who's day job is architecting solutions to information technology dilemmas.

As my first post to this blog, I want to set the tone for all future posts: my purpose here is to relay field-tested results of technology rollouts, strange but working mashups of seemingly unrelated technologies, outside the box solutions to common and not-so-common problems, real world datacenter practices that work (and what doesn't) and really cool tools that can make your life easier, more fun, more productive. I intend to dig into the "WHY" and the "HOW" portion of technologies and cull practical installation stories from the field that will hopefully save us all time and $$ when rolling out new gear.

Since 1986 I have worked with every technology imaginable, from DEC VAX and Altos Xenix boxes to Novell (started with version 2.0a) and OS2, programming in BBx (business basic extended) and on to the latest virtualization, linux, Web 2.0, and pocket/handheld gadgets and gizmos. I'm a total geek and I LIVE for this stuff - I spend WAY too much time tinkering with new technology and convincing customers and friends to "beta" the latest gadgets and let me know what works and help me stay informed on the newest, greatest techno wizardry.

I'll cover some new and not-so-new, but very essential technology. I look forward to the feedback on the ideas and let me know if you have had a "different" experience than I have with these technologies - and we'll figure out what works. My persistent question is whether the technology is worth wasting precious rack space on - thus the "rackworthy" title here (you fellow Seinfeld fans understand this more than others from the sponge-worthy episode).

Ok, so here we go - hold on to your shorts, it's going to be a very interesting ride.


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