Thursday, May 15, 2008

FuelFrog gas mileage tracking

Track your gas mileage with FuelFrog

If you are tired of digging through the fast food cups and bags in your passenger seat floor to find a scrap of paper you've been using to keep up with your gas mileage, here's another option from FuelFrog. Ok, so yeah this is another one of my Twitter mashup services. FuelFrog's premise is very simple, at the time you fill up with fuel you enter your miles traveled since your last fill-up, cost per gallon and number of gallons and FuelFrog does the rest. You'll see trending of your fuel costs and average miles per gallon. A future release will include the ability to trend your make/model vehicle against similar vehicles nationwide or even possibly globally.

If this was an online only application it would be somewhat useful, but probably not used unless you were just anal about tracking your gas mileage. What makes this service usable is, yes, it's integration with Twitter. At the very moment that you fill up your vehicle with fuel you can SMS your information to FuelFrog using the Twitter direct text function. Enter your fuel data (miles, price, gallons) and send to FuelFrog via Twitter. Example: @fuelfrog 342 3.239 10.293. You can then log into your FuelFrog account and see your MPG trending; a downward trend would be an incentive to go get those fuel and air filters changed and schedule that tune-up you've been putting off.

So, for those of us that like to track these but can't keep up with our mileage log books, here's a great, instant gratification solution. As always, give me feedback on how useful this service has been for you.

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