Monday, September 8, 2008

Hulu - the new TiVo?

Hulu may be my new replacement for cable

So the other day my sister made the comment that I'm always posting really geeky, tech-laden stuff that only appeals to tech oriented people and she really never "gets" most of what I post. Ok, so yeah I revel in the deeply technical stuff but have taken Sis's comment to heart and will try to occasionally write about something that has appeal outside of the datacenter. My latest obsession is with Hulu was founded in March 2007 by NBC Universal and News Corp and is an online video service that offers hit TV shows, movies and clips, and other online destination sites — all for free, anytime in the U.S. Now for some, that's a big rub 'cause Hulu is blocked for viewers outside of the U.S. right now. For all of us good 'ol red blooded Americans though - not an issue so read on.

According to the website, "Hulu brings together a large selection of videos from more than 90 content providers, including FOX, NBC Universal, MGM, Sony Pictures Television, Warner Bros. and more. Users can choose from more than 850 current primetime TV hits such as The Simpsons, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Office the morning after they air, classics like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The A Team, Airwolf and Married...with Children, movies like Men in Black, Ghostbusters, and The Karate Kid, and clips from Saturday Night Live, Friends and other popular TV shows and movies. "

So why is this my new obsession? I don't have to remember to set the DVR to record a new show or episode that I wanted to catch while I was playing dad taxi to my three lovely children (which I seem to be doing more as they grow older). No, now if I miss Burn Notice or The Office, I can just jump on over to Hulu and watch whenever I get a chance. It's also cool to be able to go back and find some of those old favorite episodes of Married with Children and Miami Vice. This thing has brought me a new problem though - coming up with a better way to stream the video from my PC to the TV. I'll post on that soon as the quest for that solution unfolds.

So, check out and let me know what you think about the content.

1 comment:

The Park Wife said...

Yea! I understood every word of that post ~ AMAZING!

I will check Hulu out becasue who does not wantt o watch old episodes of The A Team? The boys will probably want mohawks after that!
